Source code for audio_metadata.formats.oggopus

__all__ = [

import os
import struct
from base64 import b64decode

from attr import (
from tbm_utils import datareader

from .flac import FLACPicture
from .ogg import Ogg
from .vorbiscomments import VorbisComments
from ..exceptions import FormatError
from ..models import StreamInfo

[docs]class OggOpusVorbisComments(VorbisComments): @datareader @classmethod def parse(cls, data): if != b'OpusTags': raise Exception # TODO return super().parse(data)
[docs]@attrs( repr=False, kw_only=True, ) class OggOpusStreamInfo(StreamInfo): _start = attrib() _size = attrib() _version = attrib() bitrate = attrib() channel_map = attrib() # TODO channels = attrib() duration = attrib() output_gain = attrib() pre_skip = attrib() sample_rate = attrib(default=48000) source_sample_rate = attrib() @datareader @classmethod def parse(cls, data): if != b'OpusHead': raise Exception # TODO ( version, channels, pre_skip, source_sample_rate, output_gain, channel_map ) = struct.unpack( '<BBHIhB',, ) if version >> 4: raise Exception # TODO return cls( start=None, size=None, version=version, bitrate=None, channel_map=channel_map, channels=channels, duration=None, output_gain=output_gain, pre_skip=pre_skip, source_sample_rate=source_sample_rate, )
[docs]class OggOpus(Ogg): """Ogg Opus file format object. Extends `Format`. Attributes: pictures (list): A list of `FLACPicture` objects. streaminfo (OggOpusStreamInfo): The audio stream information. tags (OggOpusVorbisComments): The Vorbis comment metadata block. """ tags_type = OggOpusVorbisComments @classmethod def parse(cls, data): self = super()._load(data), os.SEEK_SET) if self._obj.peek(4) != b'OggS': raise FormatError("Valid Ogg page header not found.") page = next(self.parse_pages()) if not page.segments[0].startswith(b'OpusHead'): raise FormatError(f"``OpusHead`` must be first page in Ogg Opus.") else: self.streaminfo = OggOpusStreamInfo.parse(page.segments[0]) info_serial = page.serial_number audio_start = self._obj.tell() page = next(self.parse_pages()) if ( page.serial_number == info_serial and page.segments[0].startswith(b'OpusTags') ): audio_start = self._obj.tell() tag_pages = [page] while not ( tag_pages[-1].is_complete or len(tag_pages[-1].segments) > 1 ): page = next(self.parse_pages()) if page.serial_number == tag_pages[0].serial_number: tag_pages.append(page) audio_start = self._obj.tell() last_page = self.find_last_page(info_serial) audio_end = self._obj.tell() self.streaminfo._start = audio_start self.streaminfo._size = audio_end - audio_start self.streaminfo.duration = (last_page.position - self.streaminfo.pre_skip) / 48000 self.streaminfo.bitrate = (self.streaminfo._size * 8) / self.streaminfo.duration tag_data = b''.join( page.segments[0] for page in tag_pages ) self.tags = OggOpusVorbisComments.parse(tag_data) pictures = self.tags.pop('metadata_block_picture', []) = [ FLACPicture.parse(b64decode(picture)) for picture in pictures ] self._obj.close() return self