Source code for audio_metadata.exceptions

__all__ = [

import sys
import warnings

# Exceptions #

[docs]class AudioMetadataException(Exception): """Base exception for audio-metadata."""
[docs]class FormatError(AudioMetadataException): """The binary format of a data input is invalid."""
[docs]class TagError(AudioMetadataException): """A tag is not compliant with a specification."""
[docs]class UnsupportedFormat(AudioMetadataException): """An unsupported format, version, or profile was encountered."""
############ # Warnings # ############ # Override warning output format. def showwarning(message, category, filename, lineno, file=None, line=None): # pragma: nocover if file is None: file = sys.stderr if file is None: return delim = '\n ' nl = '\n' s = f"{category.__name__}:{delim}{delim.join(line for line in str(message).split(nl))}\n" try: file.write(s) except (IOError, UnicodeError): pass warnings.showwarning = showwarning del showwarning class AudioMetadataWarning(UserWarning): """Base warning for audio-metadata.""" warnings.simplefilter( 'always', category=AudioMetadataWarning, )